As part of the ongoing formation in the Archdiocese, the Divine Worship and Liturgy Department hosted a workshop for the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at the Cathedral on Saturday, 15 June.
Under the theme: “Breaking of the bread”, the workshop was facilitated by Fr Victor Ngwenya, who told the 158 extraordinary ministers that the Eucharist is the pillar of the Catholic Church, before explaining the Eucharist and the meaning of the extraordinary minister of Holy Communion.
Fr Victor, the administrator and priest of the Cathedral, pointed out that while the ordinary ministers are ordained, the extraordinary ministers are commissioned for a specific period.
He explained extensively the responsibilities of the extraordinary minister during the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist, as well as the importance of the tabernacle and how it should be treated, stressing that the extraordinary ministers should only ascend the sanctuary during the sign of peace.
The priest also spoke about the nature of the sacraments in the Catholic Church and the worthiness of both the extraordinary minister and the recipient of the sacrament.
Fr Victor further explained the responsibility of the extraordinary minister when visiting the sick to distribute the Holy Communion in the absence of a priest and how the setting up of the table and the placement of religious implements should be effected.
After a vote of thanks by the Head of the Liturgy Department, Annastacia Mphuthi, Fr Victor Ngwenya offered the final blessings.
Abel Dlamini