The following is a list of baptisms which are considered valid, as both water (pouring, sprinkling, or immersing the one baptized) and the Trinitarian formula (“I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”) are used. Also, the minister must intend to do what the Church does when baptizing.
- All Eastern non-Catholics (including all Orthodox churches)
- African Methodist Episcopal
- Amish
- Anglican / Church of England
- Assembly of God
- Baptists
- Christian and Missionary Alliance
- Church of the Brethren
- Church of Christ
- Church of God
- Congregational
- Disciples of Christ
- Episcopal
- Evangelical
- Evangelical United Brethren
- Liberal Catholic
- Lutheran
- Methodist
- Church of the Nazarene
- Old Catholic
- Old Roman Catholic
- Polish National
- Presbyterian
- Reformed
- United Church
- United Church of Canada
- United Church of Christ
- United Reformed
- United Church of Australia
- Waldensian
- Zion
Additionally – baptism recognized by Catholic Church in South Africa.
- Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk
- Gereformeerde Kerk
- Nederduits Hervormde Kerk
- Church of the Province of South Africa (Anglican)
- Church of England in South Africa
- All branches of the Federation of Lutheran Churches in South Africa (NOTE: this includes the Moravian Church)
- Methodist Church
- Presbyterian Church (including the Bantu Presbyterian Church and the Tsonga Presbyterian Church)
- United Congregational Church
The following communities have baptismal practices which are not uniform and are considered to be doubtful, requiring an investigation into each case. Some of their communities have valid baptism, others do not.
- Mennonite
- Moravian
- Pentecostal
- Seventh Day Adventist
The following is a list (albeit incomplete) of baptisms considered to be invalid, due to a number of reasons.
- All non-Christian groups and communities (Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Baha ‘I, Vedanta Society)
- Amana Church Society
- American Ethical Union
- Apostolic Church (“Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God”)
- Apostolic Faith Mission
- Bohemian Free Thinkers
- Children of God (“The Family”)
- Christadelphians
- Christian Community (disciples of Rudolph Steiner)
- Christians of Universalist Brotherhood
- Church of Christ, Scientist (“Christian Scientists”) – no baptism
- Church of Divine Science
- Church of David’s Band
- Church of Illumination
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (“Mormons”) – as of 2001
- Church of Revelation
- Erieside Church
- General Assembly of Spiritualists
- Hephzibah Faith Missionary Association
- House of David Church
- Iglesia ni Kristo (Philippines)
- Independent Church of Filipino Christians
- Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Masons / Freemasonry – no baptism
- Metropolitan Church Association
- National David Spiritual Temple of Christ Church Union
- National Spiritualist Association
- New Jerusalem Church (Swedenborg or “New Age” Church)
- Peoples Church of Chicago
- Plymouth Brethren
- Quakers (“Society of Friends”) – no baptism
- Reunification Church (“Moonies”)
- Salvation Army
- Shakers (“United Society of Believers”) – no baptism
- Spiritualist Church
- Unitarians
- Universal Emancipation Church
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