Dear Catechists,
As we are in this New Year and as we begin another new catechetical year I wish you all A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 2019 and ALL THE BEST in your mission as catechists. As we look back to the year gone by, let us thank God for all His blessings. You have worked hard to teach the faith in your parishes and also we have learnt something more about our faith in different ways.
This year we will concentrate on Precepts of the Church and so I am taking the theme “MY CHURCH MY RESPONSIBILITY” for our retreat. And we will be dealing on the precepts of the Church on our Formation and Creativity day. Throughout the year try to concentise the parishioners and children on the Precepts of the Church and come up with different programs in your parish as it is possible for you. Try to make the catechism more interesting by bringing creativity in your teaching other than the scheduled catechism. I wish you all the best for the year ahead of us. May you be filled with spirit and zeal to teach faith to others. May Mary, Mother of Mercy accompany us in our journey of evangelization.
God bless you all
Fr Boniface D’Souza
(Episcopal Vicar of Catechesis)