Dear Parish Priests, PPC Chairs, Youth Leaders and Synod Champions
Easter greetings to one and all. As two important deadlines loom I want to update you on progress made:
Parish Pastoral Council Elections
With reference to my letter of 22 February 2022, PPC elections are scheduled to take place on the 24th of April, with the names of the full PPC and its office bearers reaching the Evangelisation Office no later than 16 May. For various reasons some parishes may not be in a position to have the election on the 24th of April. Given the pressures of Easter this is understandable.
Parishes may defer the election for a week or two, as long as the names of the PPC members and its office bearers reach the department by the 16th of May 2022.
Deaneries are to elect their executive committees by the 21st of May 2022, and communicate that information by the 27th of May 2022.
The APC executive, consisting of the chairpersons of each deanery, will then meet on the 4th of June to elect its office bearers. On the 18th of June there will be an APC General Meeting at which all members of the PPC Executives will be inducted.
Archdiocesan Pre-Synod Meeting
We also invite you to register your parish participants in the pre-synod event, happening on the 29th and 30th of April. Your pre-registration will help us to cater appropriately. The link to the registration form is as follows:
The three broad themes are “Parish-based Ministry”, “Ministry to the Marginalised”, and the three ‘C’s” of “Creation, Children and Culture”. Discussion on each theme will be preceded by a 30 minute overview, a 30 minute Q&A, and then a 90 minute session in small groups. Two themes will be covered on the Friday and one on Saturday.
Holy Mass to mark the launch of the inquiry into the “Potential Cause of Beatification and Canonisation of Maria (“Domitilla”) Hyams and Daniel (“Danny”) George Hyams will take place on the morning of Saturday 30th April, at 09.30 am at the Cathedral. The Archbishop has invited all delegates to attend the mass, after which we will have the final session of the pre-synod gathering.
Yours in Christ
Fr Bruce Botha SJ
Episcopal Vicar for Evangelisation