Dear Reverend Father,
Catechetical Coordinator and Catechists,
The catechetical year is slowly coming to the end and we would like to thank all of you for your hard work on the field of catechesis. I, Fr. Boniface as an Episcopal Vicar for Catechetical Department, would like to thank especially to the Catechetical Office: Sr Tarsycja Groblica, Ms Veronica Mofokeng and Ms Nthabiseng Moloi for their work: planning, guiding and organizing the catechetical events during the course of the year. We really appreciate your involvement, sacrifice of your time and private life for the good of the Church. Being a catechist is not an easy work and it demands a commitment which, we believe, will bring the fruits of faith in the hearts of those entrusted to us.
At the end of year we usually celebrate the Thanksgiving Mass. This year, as it is devoted to Mary our Mother, we would like to invite you to the MARIAN PILGRIMAGE TO MAGALIESBURG. The Pilgrimage is going to take place on the 28th October 2017 and it is for all catechists of the Archdiocese of Johannesburg. Of course we invite all priests as well. We will be happy to have you there with us. The catechists can bring children they catechize as well. This Pilgrimage will be our thanksgiving to God for all the graces but as well to you for your hard work over the whole year.
We ask you to organize the transport from your parishes and/or deaneries and let us know how many people will come from your parish and as well what kind of transport you are using (in purposes of organizing the parking). There is a small fee to cover the maintenance of the place which is R20.00. Please bring the camp chairs & umbrellas with you. There will be tea, coffee, cold drinks and muffins for sale. We are going to sell the boreworse rolls as well but we need to know how many people will buy them. Sending to us the information about the number of people and transport you can write how many people will buy boreworse rolls. We ask you to submit that information before 21 October 2107 on the email: or the office number: 011 402 6400.
The program of the day is as follows:
- 9:00am Arrival and registration
- 10:00am Holy Mass with handing the certificates for catechists who finished the workshops
- 11:30am Break
- 12:30pm – 1:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- 1:00pm – 2:00pm Open table discussion
- 2:00pm Closing (Time for private prayers, walk to the mountain)
We hope to see you all together in Magaliesburg.
Kind regards,
Yours in the Lord,
Fr. Boniface D’Souza
Episcopal Vicar for Catechetical Department
Sr. Tarsycja Groblica
Head of the catechetical Department