Novena: Uganda Martyrs

6th to 14th June

Litany of Ugandan Martyrs (Click to download)

We offer this day in a special way for: Justice and Peace, Civil Servants, Bankers and Accountants

St. Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe – Patron of Politicians and Civil Servants.
St.Anthanasius Bazzekuketta – Patron of those in charge of Finance, Treasury and Banks.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Dear Lord, we thank You for the virtue and example of Your martyrs, St. Charles Lwanga and his Companions. Help us to imitate the deep love for Your Church that inspired them to spread the Catholic faith to others. St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, despite the threat of suffering and death, you did not hesitate to teach others about Christ and bring them into His Church. You continued to preach the Gospel and lead others to God, even though doing so would lead to your death. St. Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe may you intercede for us to the Lord, for the courage to face the situations in our life. To be filled with the Holy Spirit to enable us discern and embrace the reality of the saving suffering which Christ overcame for our sake. Faithful steward St. Athanasius Bazzekuketta, obtain for us the grace of accountability, faithfulness and responsibility in all areas of service, especially finances. May all people who serve society be good Christian role models for our young generation. Guide the leaders of the nations, Strengthen and encourage those in public health services and in the medical profession: care-givers, nurses, attendants, doctors, all who commit themselves to caring for the sick, Grant healing to all the sick. I also pray for (mention your intentions here).

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory Be to the Father…

The Litany of Holy Martyrs of Uganda (Click to download)


Lord have mercy x2
Christ have mercy x2
Lord have mercy x2

Holy Martyrs who overcame all difficulties with outstanding courage,
R: obtain for us courage when things are difficult.

St. Charles Lwanga, patron of African youth and Catholic Action,
R:obtain for us the grace of a firm and zealous faith.

St. Matthias Mulumba, ideal chief and follower of Christ, meek and humble,
R: obtain for us the gift of Christian gentleness.

St. Joseph Mukasa, First martyr of Uganda who inspired and encouraged neophytes,
R:obtain for us the spirit of truth and justice.

St. Dionysius Ssebuggwaawo, zealous for the Christian faith and renowned for your modesty,
R: obtain for us the virtue of modesty in our lives.

St. Pontian Nngondwe, faithful soldier longing for the martyrs’ crown,
R: obtain for us the grace for always being faithful to our duty.

St. Andrew Kaggwa, model catechist and teacher,
R: obtain for us grace to love the teaching of Christ.

St.Athanasius Bazzekuketta, faithful steward of the royal Treasury,
R: obtain for us the spirit of responsibility.

St. Gonzaga Gonza, full of sympathy for prisoners and all who were in trouble,
R: obtain for us the Christian spirit of mercy.

St. Noa Mawaggali, humble worker and lover of evangelical poverty,
R: obtain for us the love of the poverty taught us in the Gospel.

St. Luke Baanabakintu, who ardently desired to imitate the suffering Christ by martyrdom,
R: obtain for us the grace of imitating the suffering of our Redeemer.

St. James Buuzabalyawo, faithful soldier and patriot,
R: obtain for us a true love for our fatherland.

St. Gyaviira Musoke, shining example of how to forgive and forget injuries,
R: obtain for us the grace of forgiving those who injure us.

St. Ambrosius Kibuuka, young man full of joy and love of your neighbour,
R: obtain for us the grace of loving our neighbour with Christian charity.

St.Anatoli Kiriggwajjo, humble servant preferring a devout life to worldly honours,
R:obtain for us the grace to live a life of piety in preference to being rich and great.

St.Achilles Kiwanuka, who for the sake of Christ detested vain superstitions,
R: obtain for us a holy hatred of superstitious practices.

St. Kizito, child resplendent with purity and Christian joy,
R: Obtain for us the gift of joy in our Lord.

St. Mbaaga, who preferred death to the persuasions of your employment,
R: obtain for us the grace to follow generously the voice of divine grace.

St. Mugagga, young man renowned for your heroic chastity,
R: obtain for us the grace of perseverance in chastity.

St. Mukasa, fervent catechumen rewarded with the Baptism of blood,
R: obtain for us the grace to persevere to the day of our death.

St. Adolph Ludigo, conspicuous by your following our Lord in his spirit of service to others,
R:obtain for us a love of unselfish service.

St. Bruno Sserunkuuma, soldier who gave an example of repentance and temperance,
R:obtain for us the virtues of penance and temperance.

St. John Muzeeyi, prudent counsellor, and renowned for the practice of the works of mercy,
R: obtain for us the virtue of mercy.

Blessed Daudi Okello and Blessed Jildo Irwa, zealous and committed catechists, who taught
the Gospel with their words and life shading their blood for the faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior,
R: obtain for; us all, the lay faithful, catechists, teachers, religious, ministers, missionaries,
the grace to be fervent believers, authentic witnesses, and committed agents of the new evangelization.

Holy martyrs, models of the virtue of charity,
R: obtain for us the grace of purity and chastity.

Let us Pray

O, Lord Jesus Christ, you have wonderfully strengthened the holy Martyrs of Uganda, and
have given them to us as examples of faith and fortitude, chastity, charity and fidelity, we
beseech you that by their intercession, the same virtues may increase in us, and that we
may deserve to become propagators of the true faith. who lives and reigns forever and ever,

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


We offer this day in a special way for: Musicians, Choirs and Hotels Restaurants and Pubs.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Heavenly Father, you desire that I love and serve others. May the upcoming musicians, choirs, Praise and Worship leaders emulate the example of their patron, in order to praise and worship you in Spirit and truth.

Help me to be kind with my gifts, so that I may not miss a single opportunity of helping, comforting and encouraging persons in need and difficulties. Lord, give me the grace always to be Catechumens, ready to listen to your word and admonition. May I grow into the habit of listening to you in quiet time and before the Blessesd Sacrament in adoration.

Help those working in restaurants and bars to be honest, so that they may work in the best possible manner, whether there is anyone watching what they do or not. Help them so to live today that they give you the joy of being your instrument of love and happiness among your people.

I pray especially for (Mention the Choir/Person/Musician). I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

I also pray for (mention your intentions here).

Our Father…
Hail mary…
Glory Be to the Father…

The Litany of Holy Martyrs of Uganda

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We offer this day in a special way for: Teachers, Catechists, Business men , Business Women and Hunters

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We pray for the persons who dedicate their lives to the preaching of the gospel in our Country/ Parish/Diocese, especially, Increase their dedication, commitment and trust in the promises of your Word amidst the challenges that they meet.

We pray for the business Men and Women of our Country. Grant them safety of mind, soul and body. May they provide the goods and services worth using for the citizens and protect life. May they meet Jesus as they evangelise through trade and service. We pray that our Church and Country never luck committed, Faith filled Laity, Religious and Clergy to share the Gospel message in the current challenges of life. Lord through the prayers your young martyrs Daudi Okello and Jildo Irwa, bless and strengthen all the parents as first Catechists, those who take their place, our very catechists and their co-workers.

Come to our aid as the coronavirus spreads globally, heal those who are sick, support and protect their families and friends from being infected. Sustain all workers and business owners who suffer loss of livelihood due to shut-downs, quarantines, closed borders, and other restrictions… protect and guard all those who must travel.

I also pray for (mention your intentions here).

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be to the Father…

The Litany of Holy Martyrs of Uganda…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We offer this day in a special way for: Improper marriages, Prisons, Police and Defence forces.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Heavenly Father bless the security agents and armed forces of our Country. Protect their lives and families. Strengthen the weak, encourage the discouraged, heal the sick and increase their faith in you. Help us also to be responsible and dedicated to our duties and commitments on our Christian journey and witness.

May all the human society be delivered of all slavery and imprisonment to sin. We offer those men and Women who are in various prisons, to be granted justice and forgiveness.

Lord, give us the spirit of repentance for all the sins we have committed against you, neighbours, spouses, workmates, friends, and your Church, especially (pray over what you want to repent and the persons involved) Give us more confessors (Priests); give us your forgiveness and healing. I confess to Almighty God……

Remember all your family, the entire human race, and all your creation, in your love. Heal our world, heal our bodies, strengthen our hearts and our minds, and in the midst of turmoil of the coronavirus, give us hope and peace.

I also pray for (mention your intentions here).

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be to the Father…

The Litany of Holy Martyrs of Uganda…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We offer this day in a special way for: The Youth and The Children and all Catholic Pastoral actions.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Heavenly Father, bless me and keep the Youth and Children. Patron of the Youth and Catholic Action, obtain for us firm and zealous faith. May this Novena enable them to grow stronger as witnesses of the gospel in the challengening moments of their lives especially (Mention what challenges you most). At work, help me to be diligent and dedicated to the tasks entrusted to me.

During times of pleasure, help me find delight only in things which will bring no regrets. At home, make me kind, considerate and ever desirous to make things easy for others. In my dealings with people, make me thoughtful, courteous and kind. In my dealings with myself make me sincere and honest to face the truth.

Lord, bless and protect our children. May the current vices and the death culture be shielded from our families and places where children stay. Protect them against immorality, human preys and the dangers of mass media. Give them the joy of knowing that you are their Father, that you love them Personally and unconditionally. Come to our aid as the coronavirus spreads globally, heal those who are sick, support and protect their families and friends from being infected.

Let me remember every moment of the day I live, move and have my being in your presence and, therefore see that nothing that I do during the day brings shame to myself; grief to those who love me and sorrow to you my Father.

I also pray for (mention your intentions here).

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be to the Father…

The Litany of Holy Martyrs of Uganda…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We offer this day in a special way for: Families, Fishermen, poor, Technicians, artists and Mechanics.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I seek today your blessings on all my parents, my family my friends and my dear ones. Bless those who have no one to remember them – the aged, the lonely, the friendless and those who long to have someone to love them but do not. Bless those who in avery special manner, need my Prayers and remembrance; The poor, those in illness and in pain; those who are dying;those who have lost their faith and their hope; those who are filled with anger and hatred against others. Bless them all with an outpouring of love, patience, understanding and forgiveness. Bless me Lord, today, with a grateful heart for all your gifts; a contrite heart for all my sins, and a heart of peace in the world filled with turmoil.

Patron of Chiefs and families, obtain for our Country Leaders and heads of families who are just, accommodative, patient, faithful and have Christian values that reflect the values of the Kingdom. You who loved your Country, obtain for us the grace to love, protect, pray for and preserve our Country as God’s gift. Bless all its leaders at various levels and strengthen its Citizens and Diplomatic relations, that all may help to spread the gospel message.

God, through your Saint, Noah, give us the grace of using material things well and to see in them you gift of love, share them and use them to praise you. We pray for the spirit of detachment in all aspects of life.

Remember all your family, the entire human race, and all your creation, in your love. Heal our world, heal our bodies, strengthen our hearts and our minds, and in the midst of turmoil of the coronavirus, give us hope and peace. I also pray for (mention your intentions here).

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be to the Father…

The Litany of Holy Martyrs of Uganda…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We offer this day in a special way for: Seminarians, aspirants, Postulants, Novices; Those troubled by Witchcraft, Drivers, Farmers and Herdsmen

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Almighty God, Obtain for us the grace to always stand for the truths and convictions of faith in God. May the Christians who meet different trials, temptations and challenges always meet Jesus, in the victory of the Cross. May (Mention those you know who are going through hard times/temptations)…… meet Jesus and be consoled.

Lord bless our brothers and sisters who consecrated their lives to serve you. may they loveand keep celibacy /chastity amidst the many challenges they face. Bless (……..), strengthen him/ her. May your holy Martyr’s intercession draw them closer to you. That the Christians live the truth of the gospel and practice their Christianity genuinely. And that the teaching of the Church and the gospel values will not be compromised in our Country.

Holy St. Adolph, obtain for us the spirit of service to Jesus through the unselfish service to our Brothers and Sisters in need, especially the strangers, and refugees. May the Jesus in them never fail to receive assistance always. May our hard work in the fields and otherwise yield the fruit we need to serve the Jesus in the needy.

Remember all your pastoral agents, protect them in your love, strengthen their hearts and minds, and in the midst of turmoil of the coronavirus, give them hope and peace.

I also pray for (mention your intentions here). Amen

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be to the Father…

The Litany of Holy Martyrs of Uganda…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We offer this day in a special way for: Journalists, Press writers, Universities, Youth Movements ie. Scouts, Girl Guides, Y.C.S. etc

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, give us the spirit of charity that will always evangelise and draw many people to you. That the Christians live the truth of the gospel and practice their Christiannity genuinely. And that the teaching of the Church and the gospel values will not be compromised in our Country.

Sovereign Lord, bless this day all journalists, especially Catholic journalists to share stories that bring hope into our daily lives. May they write the news boldly in truth and be a dependable source of information to us. Let everything they write be seen in the light of Christ, so that we may view the news of the world through our faith.

Help them tell the good news of Your grace unfolding before us in the midst of the trials of the coronavirus. Help them to show how You bring good out of every evil, mercy in the ugly face of sin, and truth amongst the confusion and chaos. We ask this through Christ our Lord, from Whom all good things come. Amen.

I also pray for (mention your intentions here). Amen

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be to the Father…

The Litany of Holy Martyrs of Uganda…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We offer this day in a special way for: Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals and Patients.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God of wisdom, through the Patron of the health care workers, Bless medical scientists and researchers around the world With insight and skill, dedication and fortitude, as they combat the coronavirus, so that their work yields knowledge and understanding, speedily finding a vaccine, treatments and deterrents to its spread.

Source of life, grant public health and government officials the strength to act swiftly and decisively, with compassion and understanding, in service to humankind, fighting this outbreak and the other diseases that still plague the planet, diseases threatening the lives of our brothers and sisters, nations and communities, young and old.

Rock of Ages, bring an end to disease and suffering, so that all may know your compassion and Your grace. Source of healing, Cast the light of health and well-being. On those who’ve been exposed to coronavirus, those who have contracted the disease, And those — God forbid — who contract the disease in the future.

Bless them, protect them and bring them speedily to full recovery. Bless all who are ill With healing of body, Healing of soul And healing of spirit.

I also pray for (mention your intentions here). Amen

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be to the Father…

The Litany of Holy Martyrs of Uganda…

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.