This Shrine will be made holy the gathering of pilgrims who seek to experience God’s presence. “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mt. 18.20).
This Shrine will be made holy by the constant and uninterrupted, unbroken cries of children calling upon their heavenly Mother to intervene on their behalf; to plead their cause to her son, the Redeemer of humankind.
This Shrine will be made holy the feet of many pilgrims whose unshakable and deep faith gently propel them to visit the Shrine to seek comfort in the merciful heart of Mother Mary.
This Shrine will be made holy by the spirit of the many holy and saintly people of God who bear witness to each other and simply, like children in a family who seek to build their mother a house, many of us promised to build our heavenly Mother, the Queen of Heaven, a house in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg.
For many of us who will make it a habit to visit this Shrine of Magaliesburg, the purpose will be to experience a heavenly mother’s unconditional love again – even if we ourselves are old and our earthly mothers are elsewhere. We will come here because our hearts long to be drowned in Mother Mary’s love. This Shrine will become a place of reconciliation; of mending broken hearts; a place of deep-seated peace; a place of spiritual healing; a place where small miracles will take place. This Shrine will be a warm welcoming home away from home. It will be a place of refuge from a world of harsh discrimination, of hate, of jealousy, and from a world where human hearts are simply cold.
The Shrine will be a place, where with the help of Mother Mary, pilgrims will gather spiritual strength, renew their faith and sense the presence of God in their lives.
Mary was intimately involved in the mystery of our redemption. There is no doubt that she continues to be involved in the challenges of our daily lives.
It is a fitting gesture for the Archdiocese of Johannesburg to build our heavenly Mother Mary, the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of Mercy, an earthly home here in the beautiful surroundings of Magaliesburg.
We still need to build a chapel, tar the parking lot, build an ablution block and a road to the Grotto. We kindly ask for your on-going generous support.
A special thanks to our generous donors. A special thanks to our Fund-raising Committee.
I sincerely thank all those who have generously contributed to the building of this Shrine of Mary, Mother of Mercy.
+Buti Tlhagale OMI