The Mother of Mercy Marian Shrine project Committee invites all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg to take part in the 2017 Mother of Mercy Marian Shrine Slogan, Logo and Statue design contest.
Submit original drawing or logo design in accordance with the Theme “Mary Mother of Mercy”.
Specifications of the design and slogan:
The Mother of Mercy Logo:
- The design should be simple, attractive and easily identified.
- The design must depict something of relevance or authentic to the Archdiocese of Johannesburg.
- The design should be restricted to only four principal colors (or more or less?)
- The design may also be done in an abstract form so long as it is understandable and not too complicated.
Mother of Mercy Statue:
- Design of a statue that is easily identified with Johannesburg.
- Color should reflect the color (s) of Our Lady.
- Write a short sentence which could symbolize devotion to Mary Mother of Mercy.
- Slogan must not exceed 10 words.
Important information:
- Designs must be hand drawn and should be submitted on A4 sized papers (one A4 paper for statue and one different A4 paper for logo + Slogan).
- Provide accurate and complete information. Name, surname, date of birth, phone contact or email address.
- All entries to be addressed to the office of Evangelisation Catholic Archdiocese of Johannesburg Private Bag X10, Doornfontein, 2028 before Wednesday 30th Sept 2017 (Send by email: or drop them at the chancery office: 186 Nugget Street, Doornfontein, Johannesburg 2198).
- 3 different prizes will be awarded for the logo, the slogan and the statue selected.
You can find all information concerning the contest regulation below:
Art.1: Organizer
- The Mother of Mercy Marian Shrine project committee is the organizer.
Art. 3: Candidates
- The competition is open to everyone who live in Johannesburg.
Art. 4: Submission Criteria
- There is no fee to enter this contest.
- This contest is based on a spirit of voluntary participation.
- Contestants must be resident in Johannesburg.
- Designs must be hand drawn and should be submitted on A4 sized papers.
- One paper for statue’s drawing and one other one for the logo and slogan. The slogan should be written at the bottom of the sheet used for the logo.
- To qualify, contestants must provide accurate and complete information. Name, surname, date of birth, contact number or email address.
- Participants may only submit one entry for logo and slogan, and one entry for statue design.
- The Contest begins on Monday 1st May 2017, and ends in Saturday 30th Sept 2017 at midnight.
- All entries to be addressed to the Office of Evangelisation of the Chancery, Private Bag X10, Doornfontein, 2028 (Send by email: or drop them at the chancery office: 186 Nugget Street, Doornfontein, Johannesburg).
Art. 5: Judging
- Winners will be chosen by the Mother of Mercy Marian Shrine project committee.
- Submissions will be reviewed based on the following criteria: – Relevance to the theme: “Mary Mother of Mercy”.
- How well submission reflects the Archdiocese of Johannesburg – Creativity and originality.
- The winner will be announced publicly after the General Meeting of the shrine project committee in October 2017.
- Before naming the winner, the Review Panel reserves the right to verify that the procedure for participation of the potential winner is in full compliance with these Official Rules. If Organizer fails to make contact with the potential finalists or winners, then the finalists will be disqualified and the committee will select new winners.
Art. 6: Prizes
3 different prizes will be awarded for the logo, the slogan and the statue:
- Logo Design
- Statue Design
- Best Slogan
Drawings receiving the first prize become: Official Logo, Official Slogan and Official statue for the Mother of Mercy Shrine.
Art. 7: Restriction
- Entries must not contain any obscene or explicit material, factors that may incite violence or the use of drugs or alcohol, or sales promotions.
- Entries also must not have images or content that may be considered abusive, derogatory, or disrespectful to the competition, groups, individuals or institutions.
- Entry submitted by the participant must be the original, and should not be subject to copyright.
Art. 8: Permissions and rights properties
By participating in this competition, participants:
- Agree to have their designs used as Official logo, statue or slogan for the Mother of Mercy Shrine
- Give right of property to the Mother of Mercy Marian Shrine Project Committee.
Art. 9: Calendar of the Competition
- Tuesday 1st May 2017: Start of the competition.
- Saturday 30th Sept 2017: End of the competition.
Art. 10: Acceptance of the Rules
The fact of participating implies full acceptance of these rules