10 March 2021
Dear Priests, Deacons and the Faithful
Re: Holy Week Liturgies
The following serves as guidelines on the Celebration of the Holy Week Liturgies in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. This is in accordance with the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacrament (CDW) last year’s note on Holy Week liturgies, which remains valid up to date. For Pastoral reasons with regards to the celebration of the Holy Week liturgies in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg, the following needs to be observed:
- Palm Sunday (28/03/2021) – More than one Mass can be celebrated. No traditional Palm Sunday procession.
- Holy Thursday (evening) – The washing of feet is to be omitted. The Blessed Sacrament is to be kept in the tabernacle.
- Good Friday (02/04/2021) – The celebration of the Passion of the Lord typically takes place at 3 o’clock (the traditional time that Jesus died on the Cross). In light of the restrictions on the number of attendees as per government regulations, there can be more than one service.
- The adoration of the Cross by the faithful to be done by genuflection or bowing.
- The Easter Saturday “Vigil (03/04/2021) – More than one Mass can be celebrated. The renewal of Baptismal promises is to be maintained. Baptismal liturgy can be celebrated at any other suitable time.
All the celebrations are to take place with strict adherence to the government covid19 restrictions and regulations. We trust in the wise discretion of all priests and parish leadership. May you have a blessed and grace filled Holy Week.
Yours in Christ
Fr. Boshom Mpetsheni
Vicar Liturgy Dept. Archdiocese of Johannesburg
From: Office of Divine Worship and Liturgy