Healing prayer for South Africa to be prayed every Friday till mid‑December
The SACBC J&P commission, together with the SACC and other faith communities, has called for prayer for the healing of South Africa, asking God to intervene in the current political and economic situation.
Prayer for South Africa
Lord we present our country South Africa before you. We exalt and bless your name for all the blessings, the graces, and love that you have given to us as a nation.
Our country is now weighed down by many social, political and economic problems. We pray for a spirit of conversion in our nation and its leadership; that all hearts may turn away from greed and corruption and work for justice and peace.
Protect all those who are speaking out against greed, patronage, and corruption; give them the wisdom and courage to be the voice of the marginalised.
Renew our nation and its leadership by the light of the Gospel.
Help us to live out the values of your kingdom.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
#wepray4south Africa campaign prayer 2017 by the SACBC Justice & Peace commission
Ten prayer points to consider
- That our nation learns to accept that all of us, irrespective of race, ethnicity, gender and nationality, are children of the same parent (Mt6:9)
- That the 2019 elections reconnect us to God’s kingdom and its values (Mt6:10)
- That God gives us the courage to reject leaders who will lead us away from God’s will (Mt6:10)
- That we open our hearts to ask for forgiveness for our failings as a nation (Mt6:12)
- That pervasive corruption will give way to the rule of God’s righteousness (Is9.7)
- That our leaders govern with the fear of the Lord and God grants them wisdom (Sam23:3)
- That our nation enjoys prosperity and our leaders ensure that this prosperity benefits the common good and not just a few elite (Jer29:11)
- That God gives us the courage to reject leaders who enrich themselves at the expense of the poor (Deut17:16)
- That God gives us the courage to elect leaders who govern with values, convictions, wisdom and understanding (Deut1:13)
- That our country experiences an end to political violence and political assassinations before elections (Is60:18)