This annual formation and creativity day, organised by the Catechetical Department with assistance of the deanery coordinators, was held at the Cathedral on 25 August. About 650 catechists in the Archdiocese attended making it a great success.
The event was based on the Creed and themed “This is our Faith”. Vicar General of the Archdiocese, Fr Paul Beukes OMI was the main celebrant at Mass. He was assisted by Vicar for Catechetics, Fr Boniface D’Souza and Fr Kgomotso Sebopela.
In his homily, Fr Paul encouraged all catechists to reflect on the question “Who do you say I am?” from the gospel of that day (Matthew 16:13-16). He further encouraged catechists to have a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
As teachers of the faith – it’s important that they encounter our Lord, Jesus Christ in their everyday life. Fr Paul stated that the answer to the question “Who do you say I am?” should come from catechists having a relationship with Jesus and living in union with God
He asked whether if Jesus asked them the same question, whether they would they be able to answer based on their relationship with Him.
Fr Paul also asked them to be careful about how they carry themselves before the children. Jesus looked at the scribes and Pharisees and realised they were not practising what they were preaching. Catechists must not fall into the same trap – they must try to live what they teach.
This year’s event focused more on the formation and it was facilitated in two sessions by Fr Patrick Mphepo CP, who is a visiting lecturer at St John Vianney seminary and Fr Arvin Tauro, OCD a chaplain at OR Tambo International Airport. Fr Patrick gave a talk on “Profession of Faith” whilst Fr Arvin spoke on “The Paschal Meal”.
Catechists were also entertained by Thabang ka Mmimo from St Matthews Primary, Moroka with a dance related to the Creed.
As always, catechists were generous by donating some toiletries, non-perishable food and clothes to the friends St Martin de Porres, a shelter chosen by the Far East Deanery.
Veronica Mofokeng
Department of Catechism