
evangelisation departmentVISION: The Department of Evangelisation of the Archdiocese of Johannesburg, faithful to the guidance of the Church and reading the signs of the times, serves to animate the people of the Archdiocese to live and proclaim the Gospel.

MISSION: Our Mission is to help the Archdiocese, its institutions and people to proclaim Christ to all.

Specifically: Working in cooperation with the SACBC Department of Evangelisation and similar structures and guided by our Archbishop and the Synods of our Archdiocese, we promote and support the life and ministries of the

  • Statutes, Names, Office bearers, Contacts, Recruiting docs, sign up forms etc.

We encourage: the use of approved processes, approaches and programmes such as RENEW Africa / Small Christian Communities, RCIA, ALPHA, Life in the Spirit, etc.

By means of: training and formation and by being a channel for communication and dialogue.

We support the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council and its Deanery and Parish Councils.

  • The Department works with the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council to develop and plan pastoral activities and also to evaluate and assess projects.
  • Department members visit parishes on request to listen to their needs and concerns and offer advice and help.

We provide training for PPCs

  • Training in Christian Leadership offered to all our PPCs. It is to help the members of a PPC understand their roles and how to develop and implement the pastoral plan of the Archdiocese and their own parish.
  • The training consists of three (3) modules which normally take place on three consecutive Saturdays from 09h00 to 15h30. Anyone in  a leadership position in the parish is welcome to attend the course together with the PPC members.
  • Training is availed to parishes on request. It can be run at the level of a single parish or even for a whole deanery.

Church Renewal

  • Renew Africa is the main Church renewal process that the Evangelisation Department promotes on behalf of the Archdiocese. It also has the responsibility of supporting and promoting every approved Catholic lay movement that is active in the Archdiocese, e.g. Alpha, and Life in the spirit seminars etc.


  • We support the life and ministry of all the Sodalities present in the Archdiocese. We help them to be integrated into the life and mission of the Archdiocese as well supporting them in their own spirituality and lifestyle.


  • As the Department has close contact with the parish and deanery structures as well as with the many lay organisations it also serves as a communication hub for the Archdiocese and it has a data base to support this responsibility.

Legal Matters

  • The Department has drawn up Statutes for the various diocesan lay bodies, e.g. the APC and PPCs. It also has Guidelines to help the PPCs fulfil their tasks. These can be obtained from the Department.

Vicar for Evangelisation: Fr Bruce Botha SJ

Head of Department: Mr Odilon Molapo
Email: evangel.hod@catholicjhb.org.za

Assistant: Ms Veronica Pieterson
Email: evangeladmin@catholicjhb.org.za

Secretary: Email: evangel.secretary@catholicjhb.org.za

Physical Address: 186 Nugget Street, Doornfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2198

Postal address: Private Bag X10, Doornfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2028

Telephone: +27 (0) 11 402 6400
Fax: +27 (0) 11 402 6406

Christian Leadership workshops:

  • 07th March 2020: St Nicholas Daveyton
  • 14th March 2020: Kagiso 2 Our Lady of Peace
  • 21st March 2020: March  2020: Molapo, Our Lady of the Assumption
  • 04th April 2020: Moletsane St Phillip Neri
  • 18th April 2020: Zola, Holy Cross
  • 09th May 2020: Holy Spirit Island

All above parish workshops start at 9h00 and finish at 15h00.

APC General Meetings: 

  • 28th March 2020
  • 18th July 2020
  • 21st November 2020

These APC Meetings start at 13h00 (1pm)

For more information contact the department of Evangelisation on 011 402 6400 or on our email address:  evangel.hod@catholicjhb.org.za

Acts of Synod 2019 document


SYNOD 2019: For SYNOD information please click on the DOCUMENTS tab

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