Movement for a Better World
An international movement to infuse in individuals and groups the spirit of mutual charity and unity that provides the basis for the social presence of Jesus: “For where two or three are gathered together for my sake, there am I in the midst of them” (Mt 18.20). The movement was inaugurated by Pius XII. In a radio message Feb. 10, 1952, Pope Pius called himself the “herald of a better world willed by God” and asked for a renewal of the structures of society [Dal Nostro cuore Acta Apostolicae Sedis 44 (1952) 158–162]. The founder and first international director, Riccardo Lombardi, SJ, of Rocca di Papa, Italy, answered the plea. Since 1952, through Father Lombardi’s initiative, promoting groups of the movement have been established on every continent. The promoting group consists of specially trained clergy, religious and laity who strive to promote international collaboration and the quest for the common good and peace in the strife-torn world. To this end, the movement works closely with other international organizations at all levels, including the United Nations. Within parishes, the movement seeks to promote renewal of parish life, and a deeper awareness of and consequence sense of responsibility and commitment for reaching out to others. More here.