On 25th of May, Archbishop Buti Tlhagale, the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Johannesburg, visited Saint Patrick’s Parish, La Rochelle and on this occasion, he blessed and inaugurated the centre for the services for migrant, refugees, and the underprivileged people. This project is the renovation of the Convent building next to St Patrick’s Parish and was sponsored by the Papal Foundation.
The renovation was led by Bishop Buti and the co-ordinator who saw the renovation through was Fr. Eduardo Gabriel Scalabrinian Missionary and Social Project Co-ordinator at St Patrick’s.
This inauguration was done in preparation for the celebration of the feast of St John Baptist Scalabrini and it is a contribution of the Scalabrinian Missionaries working in the Archdiocese of Johannesburg.
Scalabrini Centre – St Patrick’s Catholic Church La Rochelle (stpatricklarochelle.org)